News / opalmining

  • Behind the scenes of our opal mining operations, opal cutting and jewelry making!

    Our mining equipment on the Dead Horse Gully opal field in 2005

    Based in Adelaide, South Australia, we mine our own opal on the opal fields around our hometown (25 years) of Coober Pedy Australia. We have raised and have family in the town, and love its incredibly colorful and diverse characters, but admit that nothing makes us more excited than the thrill of searching for and (occasionally) finding the extremely rare and elusive rainbow coloured precious opal, long made famous particularly by the Australia wide opal fields. Please feel free to visit regularly to see our updates of opal mining adventures, sorting and classing precious opal, cutting and polishing, and setting beautifuil world class pieces into precious metals to share the colour, light and stunning beauty that Australian precious opal can bring to the world. 

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